Thursday, January 1, 2015

We have a 6 month old in the house

Happy New Year to all of you!  It was a special day around here celebrating Quinn's half birthday.  "Celebrating" meant staying in all day and and doing absolutely nothing.  The weather wasn't all that great so Tony and I decided to watch football, eat whatever we felt like eating, and play with Quinn all day long.  It was great.  Later in the evening we went to the bx with the intentions to get the 1/2 year old a birthday gift, but as we strolled the aisles we just looked at each other and said that all she wants are the remotes, iPhones, iPads, water bottles, boxes, and bags anyway.  So we decided to pocket the $10 we would have spent ;)
Things are getting pretty crazy around here with this girl.  She has been bringing her knees up and scooting forward ever so slightly.  I'm guessing it won't be too long until we have a mover on our hands.  Quinn has many favorites these days.  She loves being outside (although she is completely mute when she is), baths, babies, spitting (literally... spitting), toys that are not intended to be toys, and being held.  Thankfully she is pretty good (so far) entertaining herself for 10-20 minutes unless she is hungry or tired of course.  This definitely helps me throughout the days when I need to get stuff done!  She is sitting up now, but doesn't always prefer it.  We are finally on a pretty good sleeping schedule which is awesome.  We still need our 3 naps a day although I think she's close to just having two.  Right now she sleeps for 90 minutes around 8:00 and another 60-90 minutes around 12:00 and then a cat nap at 3:00...bed around 6:30.  Of course all these times differ daily, but it's finally somewhat predictable so I can start making some plans/appointments around her schedule.  She has yet to go over the 90 minute nap time, but i'll take what I can get :)  Night time we go in 3-4 hour stretches.  It's not hard to put her back to sleep unless it's within the 4am-5am range.  Then... I just cross my fingers.  She is wearing 6-9 month pants and 6-9 month shirts and size 3 diapers.  Her favorite solids right now are pears and sweet potatoes and could do without the sweet peas or prunes!  Sorry, Quinn - those will never be pulled from your diet.  My favorite thing with Quinn is how big she continues to smile when she sees her daddy come home from work or first thing in the morning on the weekends.  She has been more cuddly (and cranky) with her two bottom teeth breaking through, but we enjoy the cuddles for as long as they last :).  She has started to react more to friends and family on FaceTime which has been so fun to see!
Her latest nicknames from me: sugars (this one might stick), nutters, and nutter butter.

Here's to another exciting year!
(6 month photos coming soon)


  1. Happy Half, Quinn! I can't believe you have/will have a real mover and shaker in the house soon! Miss you all so much, Happy New Year!

  2. I love that you celebrated her half birthday....and even more that you did that by laying around. My best celebration ever. Good luck getting all packed up! I know there are some really lucky people who are going to get to see you guys soon!
