Saturday, January 31, 2015

Keepin' busy

Quinn and I have been busy bees here on Oki.  I told Tony the other night that I was looking forward to an entire day with nothing planned!  We always make it a point to get out of the house even if it's to roam the aisles at the Bx.  Last weekend was beautiful with a perfect 70 degree day back to back.  We haven't been so lucky this week, but we've managed to get out as much as we can!  

We joined a group called "Stroller Warriors" here on island.  We went last Friday and it was a lot of fun.  Stroller Warriors is a huge group here on Okinawa and they are spread out amongst the entire military in multiple countries!  It was great meeting some other moms, but the best part was afterwards when all the kids played at the park!  If only Quinn could walk she would have had an absolute blast.  Not too much longer :-/  This girl LOVES kids.  Her arms were all over the place, kicking nonstop in my arms, and talking up a storm.  I'm looking forward to more of these "events" however, they all seem to be right when Quinn goes down for her morning nap.  Darn!  Well, we'll get to as many as we can ;)

Even though I'm a little bit of a germ freak, this has been so nice to put Quinn in the cart while I shop.  I put things around her so she's extra cozy in there....she loves it and thinks she is pretty hot stuff :)  I'm not sure I want to get the insert pad you put into the carts - but maybe I will. 

Her newest thing is trying to pull socks off her feet.  She is very determined and sticks with it for quite some time.  Being as competitive as I am in some things, I secretly love that she is this determined. :)

We stroll to the park near our house almost every evening before dinner.  There's always something going on whether it's kids in the sand, soccer, skateboarding, basketball, or kids playing on the jungle gym.  Quinn loves to watch and I decided to let her try to sit with the "big" girls and play in the sand.  I watched her like a hawk and made sure she didn't put the sand in her mouth.  We have plenty of those days ahead of us, but not sure I'm ready for that quite yet ;)  

If I can't find something these days - it's always under the couch!

Our fun FaceTime with Daddy this week!  He couldn't believe how big she was getting and all the things she is starting to do now!  I guess I didn't realize ALL the changes until he said it.

Lovin' bath!

Hangin' out with mom at the Bx

24 more days until we see daddy-o!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Tara - So looking forward to watching Grady and Quinn play together this summer!
