Friday, July 4, 2014

Quinn Rosen Brown

Our sweet little miracle made her grand and unforgettable appearance on Tuesday afternoon, July 1st, weighing 8 pounds exactly and stretching 22.5 inches long.  I have been anxiously waiting to write this post for 255 days...the day we found out we were pregnant!

Where to even begin!  Quinn sure has kept us on our toes the last couple of weeks.  As her due date was June 21st, waiting another 10 days for her arrival seemed like 10 months!  My midwife scheduled an induction for Monday morning June 30th.  Of course I was hoping for Quinn to come on her own that weekend, but she was just too comfortable ;).  So Monday morning I called in and was admitted by 8:30am.  I packed our bags for a couple of days - but NOT for 4 days!!

To make a long story somewhat short, the induction went smoothly in the beginning.  Things were moving along, but just very slowly.  This made for a looooong 30+ hours until we met our baby girl.  Unfortunately, a couple hours after they broke my water I spiked a fever which was a bit concerning. The doctors and nurses did as they needed to do to take every precaution for baby and I.  They kept me comfortable and assured - it was out of my hands!

Finally, by 12:30pm on Tuesday afternoon things were moving...and moving fast.  The NICC team were in the delivery room waiting to examine Quinn immediately.  It was a bit concerning having about 12 medical bodies in the room at the time, but the trust and comfort I had knowing all of them were there for this sweet baby girl left me with great ease.  I was able to see Quinn for about 10 seconds by my head before they wheeled her off.  That was pretty tough!  It wasn't until about 5 hours later that I was wheeled down to see her.  That "ride" down the hallway that took 30 seconds lasted a lifetime.  I was SO excited to see this miracle :)  She was perfect.  The NICC were having difficulty getting her IV in place so they allowed me to come down and nurse her to get her hydrated. At about 9:00 she was wheeled back to our room, IV in tact, and sweet as can be.

Thursday evening at 5:15pm we received great news that the bacteria did not grow and she had no signs of an infection.  Our prayers were answered!  If interested, she was tested for chorioamnionitis.

Quinn has opened our hearts to more love than we could ever imagine.
Thanks to all of you for the support these last 9 months!  We can't wait to come home and see everyone.

Last snap of this belly before going in!

The hospital is just over a year old.  It is beautiful.  

This was the view from our room.  Not sure I'll ever be able to labor and deliver in a room with such an incredible view again.  It got me through some tough times, that's for sure! 

Just seconds old

The amazing Doctor Lee who delivered Quinn - and sweated a little of her own using those forceps...

Getting her first treatment through the IV

A great friend of mine brought by some fresh fruit and of course, a 6 pack of Orion for Tony.  THANK YOU AMBER!!!  

Hanging out.  1 day old :)

And we're off!!!

Good thing I packed an extra sleeper with NO footies.  This girl has long legs like her daddy!  High waters like her daddy too.  


  1. Beautiful family and little girl! Congratulations! And, we're glad you're all well.

  2. What an entrance into the world! Love you, Quinn. Great post, Tara and awesome pictures!!

  3. Way to go, mama! Stella too, needed forceps! She is just a dolly! And I can't get over her length!!?? For sure an athlete☺️
