Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Quinny Quinn update

An update on this girl is needed because she is growing up fast!  I am having SO much fun with Quinn right now and all that she is doing.  It's nice that she understands most everything I say and can communicate just about anything, as well!  Here are a few of my favorite things right now:

- She sings "Happy Birthday to me" periodically throughout the day and puts anything on her head to represent a birthday crown

-She LOVES Shae.  My sister said it probably wasn't such a bad thing leaving all the cousins back home because now she's forced to spend more time with Shae - and she does.  There are times I really need Quinn to entertain her and she's awesome at it.

-"Mom, what you doing?" this might be my favorite thing right now, but ask me in 2 months when it's all I hear :)

-Loving the pool.  Asks everyday  (sometimes about 50 times) to go.  I usually agree to her request.  When she wakes up in the morning I always ask "How did you sleep" and "What do you want to do today?"  He response is "GOOD" and "I want pool jumping!" Good thing we live in California and she will be able to swim most of the year.

-She is starting to throw little fits when we leave places she's having a good time at.  Wouldn't you?  There's not too much bribing to get her to go, so it's usually a tight grip on the hand and reminding her (ya right) that she needs to be a big girl and come with mama.

-Starting the potty training thing.  Not sure I'm cut out for this! I'll let you know in a year. ha!

-She is coloring a lot these days and draws a pretty great "sun" right now.  Every color is blue or green.

- She loves helping me carry things in from the car, grabs Shae's "nighty", cleans, and picks up her toys.  I give her a ton of praise when she does these things.  I just hope there's not a hidden camera in the house somewhere.  I'd be embarrassed.

Couple recent pics of this ham.

check out that awesome hair

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Love this little post on my favorite first niece. <3 Love you babe!!
