Saturday, December 26, 2015


We are thrilled to announce that Quinn will have a little sis come May!  We had our 20 week ultra sound 10 days ago and after a few discussions of whether or not we were going to find out the gender on this one, we went for it.  There was definitely part of me that wanted to keep it a surprise, but Tony was certain he wanted to know - and i'm glad we do!  I was 95% sure this one was going to be a boy.  Only to disagree with his wife, Tony thought it would be another girl :)

I have been very blessed with a fairly easy pregnancy thus far.  I was pretty sick from about week 7 to exactly week 13.  I could have done without those 6 weeks, especially because Tony was gone for about 3 of them (lucky guy!)..but I reminded myself that feeling sick was a good sign and I tried my best to embrace it!  By embracing, I mean not keeping the house clean, eating whatever it is that I felt like, saying "yes" every time a friend offered to take Quinn, and napping every single time Quinn did and going to bed roughly the same time she did, as well.  There were nights in there I would get about 11 hours of sleep on top of an hour plus nap.  :)  I don't expect that to happen ever again after baby comes :)

I have craved many things this pregnancy, but the most consistent ones are chips, citrus fruit, sour candy, granola/yogurt, and club soda.  I wish I didn't have the chips or candy craving, but oh well!  

We were able to successfully surprise both sets of grandparents (and siblings) with the gender reveal at their own Christmas.  I think this picture below shows how shocked my parents were.  We got them GOOD!  Thanks to Vicki Berland and Mary Kruse for helping us with all the scheming!!! :)


  1. Love it!!! Woo hoo!! I was so surprised and excited - thanks for sharing with us that way and keep resting up - I'm jealous of your sleep:)

  2. It was such a fun night with the surprise! Everyone kept talking about it for such a long time...we were all sure it was a boy!
