Saturday, November 1, 2014

Quinn is 4 months old

Yesterday this sweet little girl turned 4 months old.  Gosh, where do I begin writing all the fun things she is doing!  I took her for her check up on Thursday and she was 15.5lbs (86th percentile) and was 26 inches long (97th percentile).

Her favorite thing to do: be outside!  I swear this girl could be outside all day long and happy.  When I get the Baby Bjorn out or the stroller she kicks her legs and her eyes get super wide.  It's pretty cute :).   She "insists" on standing almost every chance she gets. Yesterday we celebrated by going to the bx and buying her an exersaucer.  There wasn't much to choose from (go figure) but glad they at least had one!  I was going to order from Amazon like we usually do, but I knew she would love it so why wait..besides the play gym we have down on the floor isn't as fun anymore if she's not standing up and playing with the toys :).  She also enjoys (that's an understatement) sucking on her hands, fingers, arms, blankets, whatever she can get in that mouth of hers.  It will be interesting to see when those teeth come in.   On my "notes" for 4 month blog I wrote a reminder to myself that she is batting at toys.  This has developed into full on grasping of toys and holding on to whatever she can for a short amount of time.  This has helped a ton when I've needed those 5 minutes to get something done!  Or when she's in the car!

Things she doesn't like:  Sleeping on her stomach for too long, the bottle, a pacifier (i've given up on this one), and when she's tired, she doesn't want anyone holding her other than Tony and I.  And of course staying put in one place for too long.  Other than that we have one happy girl on our hands.

Her naps are going OK.  I have to admit, I'm a bit of a control freak on her sleeping "schedule".  She is still taking 30-45 mn naps most of the time, although the last week she has been taking 1-2.5 hour naps at a time.  Crossing my fingers this continues!  My sister-in-law, Amanda, is helping me with different tactics to sleep train her.  It's working so far and I couldn't be happier!  Now for it to continue.  At night she is still up 3 times, but I'm getting a longer stretch than before.  Typically 4 hours at a time, which is very nice.  Of course, we have our nights where it's less than that, but I'll take what I can get!

For my own sake when looking back on this blog - my nicknames for her are sugar bugsies (Tony doesn't prefer this one) or peanut butter.  There are a million names I have for her as you can probably imagine.

We sure love this little peanut....peanut butter that is.

Our routine when I eat breakfast and when I cook dinner.  We just bought a tray for the seat so now she can play with some more toys while she sits and watches me in the kitchen.  

Quinn & I

Groggy after her nap - like father like daughter.  Notice the drool.

Quinn is famous here in Japan.  Apparently fair skin and blue eyed babies bring good luck.  

Our friends here in Okinawa.  Paxton was just born mid September.  Isn't he a cutie? And his brother and sister, Gabriel and Ella.  



  1. Quinn is getting so big...and is still so darn cute. Thanks for the update, T, and I'm glad to hear some of my tactics are working - you never know what will work with kiddos...or "Busters," "monkeys," or "Gooses" (Grady, Grace, Olivia...Oh, and I know it should be Geese but that just didn't work with this sentence)!

  2. 4 months?! How can that be, I was just checking my phone every 2 minutes to get updates on your labor! What a fun age, and I love how active she is! And the drool/nap picture:) Also happy that you and Amanda can help me with naps/sleep...I'll be calling for a consultation in a few months....Love you, peanut butter.

  3. That pic of you and her in the water is definitely one of my favorites of all time!
