Sunday, November 30, 2014

Quinn is 5 months!

Boy oh boy is time flying by.  This girl is changing so quickly and growing up in a blink of an eye!  We have had so much fun with her lately.  Don't get me wrong, I love the newborn stage, but it's so fun to be able to handle her the way we do.  She has recently gone in the jogger without the car seat attached, which she is loving.  Her favorite activities include being in the exersaucer, standing up against the couch (our couch is low), playing with toys that she can grab and chew on, hearing mom sing "The wheels on the bus" over and over and over and over when cranky in the car, and eating sweet potatoes!

We are still not on a sleeping schedule, but hopefully in the next couple months things start to fall into place a little bit.  Her bedtime is between 6:30-7:15 depending on and wakes anywhere between 5:15am-7am, which is why the nap times are difficult to plan on right now!  She goes down easily and wakes up happy, just can't seem to get much more than 30-90mns.  I'm very happy when her naps are 1 hour plus!  As long as she's happy, I'm happy ;)

Quinn loves playing with her dad during the days and much prefers her mom before naps and bedtime.  I absolutely love getting her from the crib after a nap and going downstairs to see dad.  Her smile is huge when she sees him and looks like she just can't wait to start playing!  Quinn is in size 2 diapers still, although she could/should be in a 3.  I just need to get rid of the 2's first ;).  She is a drool queen, loves her 5:00pm dinner of solid food, and sucks on her forearm for comfort.  Her hands are yet constantly in her mouth and likes to rub it all over mom and dad's face.  Her hair is starting to come in ever so slowly, but definitely have been seeing more of it!  Bath time is finally fun here in this household.  We went through a bad 2-3 week spell, but after bringing in some toys and holding her in a position so she could sit up for awhile...has really helped.  She kicks and waves her hands so much in excitement we are having a hard time keeping the water/soap out of her eyes!!!

Her latest nickname I have been calling her is Quincy Jones.  Not sure...haha.

Anyways, Quinn brings a million smiles to our faces every single day.  Life is sure great with her around.

Can you blame her for the drool?

1st family pic since Quinn has left the hospital.  Guess I should probably start goin' on that...

Friday, November 28, 2014

From Yomitan to Chibana

Finally getting after this post.  A couple weeks ago we made the big move from our place in Yomitan to our new house that we absolutely love!  Not only are we closer to the commissary, exchange, gym, and the tennis courts, but we are closer to our friends!  It was getting to be a lot traveling at least 25 minutes to do anything.  We would have to make a morning or afternoon of whatever it was we were going to do that day.  Not to mention my commissary runs were stressful because I never knew when I would be back again, so I stocked up on everything imaginable!  Tony was in mainland the day we officially moved.  People back home thought I was nuts for tackling it alone with Quinn (we hired movers)...but she did awesome and it turned out as well as it possibly could.  On Saturday, November 16th when the movers came to our place in Yomitan, they had strict orders to a) do all loud things outside and b) move her crib at "this time" and back into the new house at "this time".  The movers were not happy with me asking them to do all the taping outside.  The money we paid them that day, I didn't feel TOO bad about it.   So as the guys packed the downstairs, Quinn was sleeping soundly upstairs.  It was perfect.  Anyways, overall the move went great.  Tony surprised us and even came home that Sunday night so I only had to stay in the new house 1 night by myself!  It was 4 days sooner than we were expecting.  It was a great surprise as you can imagine :)  Here are a few pics of our weekend.  I had a little help from a few local girls that I knew from Santa Monica on Sunday.  They entertained Quinn and helped me unload all the boxes.  They were a huge help!!! We are completely moved in now :)

Yomitan House

 Quinn's last nap in her room.  She was a happy girl that day :)  So was mom actually!

Quinn helped me sign the papers at the housing office 

Chibana house.  This was a shortcut in moving all our things upstairs.  They even did this with the treadmill.  They're crazy.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Mid Month Update

This month is cruising by!  Quinn and I have been without dad since Oct. 28th, so I welcome a month that goes as fast as this one is going!  We have been pretty busy here with packing boxes, going for walks, and running errands.  We have movers coming tomorrow (blog on that soon) so thought I would get a blog out there before all the chaos begins.  I'm hoping the new house is in order before Tony arrives on Wednesday :)  Here are a few pics of what we've been up to.

Santa Monica (where I taught last year) was having a Sports Day for all the kids.  Quinn and I drove down to see them perform :)  It was great to see them and all their parents again

We were fortunate enough to be able to FaceTime with Tony while he's been away in the field.  Quinn was very impressed with Mt. Fuji and told Dad she wants to go there someday soon....

Where's Waldo?
Quinn watching me as I clean up the yard before we move!

This one is for Ali.  I know you're reading this blog and I hope you're not mad that I gave your bike away for free.  The typhoons have done a number on it and the kickstand is so rusted over it won't lift.  I don't think you'll be too upset.  It's been an awesome bike to have here in Yomitan :)
I googled translation for "free"..  hope I got it right!

One of the few things I'll miss about Yomitan is the great restaurants around.  I would say Yomitan is the "hippie" part of Okinawa, which I can appreciate very much.  This is one of my favorite places - the Thai Place down the road.  It's called "Thai Food".  clever, huh.

On one of our walks, we came across a couple of awesome boys playing street hockey and tennis.  I joined in and played a couple games with them.  Of course, I placed a bet.  If they got 1 ball past me (I was goalie) I would give them $1.  I owe them $2...

Of all the weeks I needed some quiet nap times, this was the week.  Of course it never happens that way.  The neighbors decided to add on to their house so all day for 2 weeks I have been hearing drills, hammers, and every other tool I've never heard of going NONSTOP.  One day I was so desperate for a nap I laid on the floor in Quinn's room right by her sound machine.  It was a good 20 minute nap.. Best I could do at that point.

This is how determined I have been packing when Quinn is napping.  I set out the exact amount of things I need for the next 2 days before we leave. 

Always need to exit a blog with a picture of our sweet girl!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Quinn is 4 months old

Yesterday this sweet little girl turned 4 months old.  Gosh, where do I begin writing all the fun things she is doing!  I took her for her check up on Thursday and she was 15.5lbs (86th percentile) and was 26 inches long (97th percentile).

Her favorite thing to do: be outside!  I swear this girl could be outside all day long and happy.  When I get the Baby Bjorn out or the stroller she kicks her legs and her eyes get super wide.  It's pretty cute :).   She "insists" on standing almost every chance she gets. Yesterday we celebrated by going to the bx and buying her an exersaucer.  There wasn't much to choose from (go figure) but glad they at least had one!  I was going to order from Amazon like we usually do, but I knew she would love it so why wait..besides the play gym we have down on the floor isn't as fun anymore if she's not standing up and playing with the toys :).  She also enjoys (that's an understatement) sucking on her hands, fingers, arms, blankets, whatever she can get in that mouth of hers.  It will be interesting to see when those teeth come in.   On my "notes" for 4 month blog I wrote a reminder to myself that she is batting at toys.  This has developed into full on grasping of toys and holding on to whatever she can for a short amount of time.  This has helped a ton when I've needed those 5 minutes to get something done!  Or when she's in the car!

Things she doesn't like:  Sleeping on her stomach for too long, the bottle, a pacifier (i've given up on this one), and when she's tired, she doesn't want anyone holding her other than Tony and I.  And of course staying put in one place for too long.  Other than that we have one happy girl on our hands.

Her naps are going OK.  I have to admit, I'm a bit of a control freak on her sleeping "schedule".  She is still taking 30-45 mn naps most of the time, although the last week she has been taking 1-2.5 hour naps at a time.  Crossing my fingers this continues!  My sister-in-law, Amanda, is helping me with different tactics to sleep train her.  It's working so far and I couldn't be happier!  Now for it to continue.  At night she is still up 3 times, but I'm getting a longer stretch than before.  Typically 4 hours at a time, which is very nice.  Of course, we have our nights where it's less than that, but I'll take what I can get!

For my own sake when looking back on this blog - my nicknames for her are sugar bugsies (Tony doesn't prefer this one) or peanut butter.  There are a million names I have for her as you can probably imagine.

We sure love this little peanut....peanut butter that is.

Our routine when I eat breakfast and when I cook dinner.  We just bought a tray for the seat so now she can play with some more toys while she sits and watches me in the kitchen.  

Quinn & I

Groggy after her nap - like father like daughter.  Notice the drool.

Quinn is famous here in Japan.  Apparently fair skin and blue eyed babies bring good luck.  

Our friends here in Okinawa.  Paxton was just born mid September.  Isn't he a cutie? And his brother and sister, Gabriel and Ella.