Ever since Quinn was born - well, actually since she was 6 weeks old - I have wanted time to just slow down! For as long as I can remember, time has always been my enemy. In high school, I just wanted to be in college. In college, I just wanted to get a job and have my own apartment. After a few years of that, I just wanted to get married and start a family. Looking back on it, I wish I would have slowed down a bit, but I have such great memories regardless. Nowadays, I just want time to stand as still as possible. Many of my friends and family are probably wondering where this is coming from because all I could (and still do) talk about is WHEN i'm coming home next! I have always been known for my infamous countdowns (In case you were wondering we have 629 days left on Okinawa..It's an app on my phone so don't think I have a calendar that I mark off everyday. I like it more than that here). But today I am so happy with the now, yet excited for everything yet to come!
Anyways, back to time. I thought this would be a blog worth writing after a conversation I had with my good friend, Rose the other day. She has a 10 year old daughter, Anna (sweet girl) and 7 year old son, Nate. Nate has just joined tackle football with the 8 year olds (against Rose's preference) and he is excelling beyond belief. I saw a video of him - and it was unbelievable. He even runs like a football player (Don't laugh at that comment - you know what I mean). The other thing that I remembered is my niece, Mya. She is 6 and has recently been invited to join a gymnastics team with a few other girls. When I was fortunate enough to spend time in Canada last month, I was able to go watch her and she blew my mind. This kid has talent.... So many new things every year with all my nieces and nephews and friends' kids. It's easy to get sad seeing them all grow up, but man its FUN!
So as I sit here soaking up Quinn at 3 months old, I can't be too sad when I put her newborn clothes away - and soon her 0-3 months. Tony and I have SO much to look forward to! Every age of a child's life is awesome. Sure, there are the challenging days...but how lucky are we as parents, grandparents, family and friends to witness all these changes and see their world expand!
for the record, this blog was not written after a glass of wine. ;)
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