Monday, September 1, 2014

Q is 2 months

Miss Quinn is 2 months old today!!  She sure has grown since the last post at 6 weeks.  Amazing all that can happen and change in just 14 days.  I think I'll just list all the things that are happening now instead of going into great detail!

  • She has just recently started to sleep long periods in the afternoon.  Typically it's about 3-4 hours (she'll eat once during that time)
  • She continues to refuse the bottle and pacifier.  I have given up a little at this point and will try again in a couple weeks when we get back to Okinawa
  • Still enjoys the car seat BUT the car has to keep moving.  When I put her in the seat to go somewhere, she is now juuuust about smiling and kicks her little legs around.  I hope she's always this excited to go somewhere!
  • This girl loves to be held.  I'm not ashamed and I'll hold her all she wants (well, most of the time)...  Once she's old enough to "cry it out" during sleep time, I'll be sure tony ties me down so I can't get to her room in .5 seconds like I can and do now.  I have to admit, there are plenty of times she just squirms a little and I am there at her beckon call.  I keep going back to something I read and heard "You can't spoil and baby under 4 months".  deal!
  • Her messy diapers are very, very, very messy. Happens about once every 24-48 hours
  • Getting better at stroller rides.  I hope she loves them in a few months when her dad and I take her out on runs in the jogger
  • Her mornings are the best!  She is quite the talker and gives many warm smiles when she wakes :)
  • No matter what time she goes to sleep, I can usually count on 12 hours until she rolls (not literally) out of bed.  
  • During the night she is eating every 2-4 hours and falls right back to sleep.  I am so lucky.
  • Her "tough 1-2 hours" around dinner is getting better, yet still exists.  The afternoon nap makes a world of difference, of course!
We sure love this little girl!  We can't wait to get home and see daddy-o very soon, too :)


  1. Great update, I love hearing how she is changing:)

  2. Love the smiley picture!! keep 'em coming;)

  3. What a sweet, sweet smile - can't wait to have one flashed my direction!
