Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Quinn is 3 months old!!

Our sweet little Miss Q is 3 months old today.  Where has the time gone?!  As much as I am looking forward to all the new things ahead, I sure wish time would stand still for awhile.

Quinn is growing so much these days and discovering so many new things.  She enjoys her crib, her fingernails grow at record speed, and her smiles and cooing are in full effect.  It's actually more of a yell than a "coo".  She continues to gag on any pacifier and refuses to take any bottle.  I've tried 5 different ones.  Not going to give up!  She is sleeping about 12 hours a night (bedtimes ranging from 5:30pm-7:30pm).  Her longest stretch is the first stretch anywhere from 4-7 hours.  The 7 hour one was just after we arrived back in Okinawa, so not holding my breath for that to happen quite yet, but it is welcomed!  After her longest stretch she is up every 2-3 hours the rest of the night.  Quinn isn't the greatest napper in the world right now.  She takes a 30 minute nap (exactly) every 1.5-2 hours.  Some days I feel like all I do is put her to sleep! We are working on different strategies.  Just yesterday I got out a cozy fleece blanket and she had her best days' sleep.  Don't worry Grandma's, she hasn't been cold!  Who knows what the trick is.  Once I think I know, she'll change it up on me anyway ;)

She is loving the Baby Bjorn and going for walks.  We try to get out a couple times each day to get her some fresh air.  Thankfully the weather is cooling off now so our walks will start to get longer and I can put her in the actual stroller.  She kicks her feet with excitement when I lay her on the floor while I snap the bjorn in place.  She knows what is coming :)

As the grandparents pointed out, looks like Quinn is holding the umbrella!

Tummy time is happening a whole lot right now.  She enjoys it for about 1-8mns.  Yesterday she rolled over from back to stomach!  I put her on her back in the living room and went to the kitchen to get my water out of the fridge and when I came back she was up on her elbows!  I was one proud momma!  She did it about 10 more times that day.  We even were able to FaceTime the Grandma and Grandpa's to show off her new skill!  Dad was one proud dad when he came home from work, too :)

Quinn has been a drool queen lately.  She loves to get her fists in her mouth, often choking herself on a couple fingers, and sucks on anything that is near her face.  We've gotten the bibs out and using them daily!

Tony has had so much fun with her when he gets home from work.  He plays a lot with her on the play mat we have and takes her outside quite a bit.  I swear she gets really mad when we come back inside.  Today, we had the football on and Tony purposely stood in-between her and the TV so she wouldn't watch it - and she got MAD!  It was cute.

My morning coffee, news, and babes :)

As for me, my heart grows more each day I am with this little girl.  She is so fun and sweet.  I enjoy all the snuggles I get through the wee hours, the smiles, and everything about this girl.  I am so blessed to be staying home with her.  We sure love our little buggers.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The meanings of "home"

Recently, my sister and I had a conversation about all the places that "home" has been for us.  I've thought about it a lot lately and I realized that I have called many, many places "home". Luther was my first "home away from home".  Started with Brandt, Ylvi, Dieseth, and then the Tree House where I spent my senior year.  I've referred to the city of Decorah, Minneapolis, Murrieta, and Okinawa as "home."  After college, my sweet apartment at Excelsior and Grand was home, then the 2 duplexes in Linden Hills, 2 condos downtown, a loft in Minnetonka Beach, a house in California, and now our place in Japan.  There were other short term stays in between all of that, too.  I'm sure I will live in many other "homes" in my lifetime, but the one constant place that will never change is Decorah and where my parents live.  It's the one home I have always had and always will have.

Quinn and I were very fortunate to spend 7 weeks back at home with my mom and dad this past summer.  Even married with a newborn I still felt like I was 16 somedays.. raiding the fridge, not making my bed, and some nights staying up too late.  I can guarantee you that I wasn't nearly excited to see my parents when they got home from work back in high school as I was this time around.  It was one of the highlights of our day to see Grammy and Pops drive up at 5pm.  Maybe it was because Happy Hour started in the backyard shortly after 5:00 (like 5:15pm) or that I had some free time and free hands, but mostly because I have the best parents in the world. Who wouldn't want to spend every moment they possibly could with them.  I love going home.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Back to Oki

Well, Quinn and I made the long journey back to Okinawa last Thursday!  We took off from Edmonton around 12:00 noon on Wednesday and arrived in Okinawa Thursday evening at 8:50pm!  The Hoden clan helped me check in my luggage at the Edmonton airport, which was a great help.  I had the big BOB stroller, a carseat, suitcase, and a pack 'n play.  Glad they were able to come help and say our goodbyes at the airport, although those "goodbye's" are never fun.

The trip started with a fast entrance into the security line.  When you're a single parent carrying an infant, you get a whole lot of help!  This held true the entire way to Japan (more on that...)
So as I was waiting to put my bags on the belt to be scanned, a kind gentleman took my bag from me and pushed it through.  He asked a million questions about my travel ahead... did Quinn have the appropriate shots, was I planning to nurse on flight (weird question I thought!), was my tetanus updated, etc.  Turns out he was a pediatrician in Canada with small kids of his own.  He was giving me all sorts of tips for the journey ahead.  I thought this was a good sign to start off the 20 hour travel day :)

So we arrived in Calgary just an hour later.  Calgary is a 2.5 hour drive from Edmonton so the flight was a whopping 35 minutes long.  That was awesome.  Quinn slept most of the way so I was able to relax a little bit.  When we got to Calgary, I strapped on my K'tan (baby wearing) and made my way to A20 gate for my 10 hour 40 minute flight to Tokyo.  My only anxiety for this trip was, of course, how Quinn would do - and just praying that she wouldn't have an outburst of tears and wake up every passenger on board.  Well, she didn't.  If she woke anyone up it was because of her LOUD talking she was doing!  Quinn was an absolute rockstar.  We flew Air Canada to Tokyo as well and the best part is that we got a whole row to ourselves! (Air Canada is my new favorite airline).  My mom and I spent many nights talking about what would be best to bring on flight for Quinn and decided on a memory foam pillow which THANKFULLY we brought!  She never did sleep on it, but she spent about 3-4 hours on flight laying on it, talking, playing, etc.  It was a lifesaver when I needed both my hands whether that was to eat, get something out of my backpack, or just a break!

We made it to Tokyo and boy was I tired.  I think I slept maybe 20minutes on the long flight and now I had to get all my luggage, go through customs, and do all that annoying stuff.  Well, like I said - when you're a single parent carrying an infant child - PEOPLE HELP!  Someone at the Tokyo airport helped me put all my bags on a cart.  I was wearing Quinn at the time and although I probably could have gotten it all on the cart, it would have been tough not having the help.  I was very thankful...When I asked the gentleman who helped me (he was Japanese and didn't speak english) if ANA (my airline to get to Okinawa) was "this way" or "that way"  he thought I was asking him to wheel all my stuff TO the ANA counter.  OOPS!!!  So he did.  I felt bad, but I decided to just continue to be thankful.  Besides, I was dead tired.  Checked in on the ANA flight, sat at the gate for 2 hours -and boarded!  This flight was a little under 3 hours and again, we had our own row!  Quinn slept for the whole flight in my arms (where she would sleep on every flight)...

Our arrival to Okinawa was pretty awesome.  I was beyond excited to see Tony and have Tony see us.  I knew he would be so surprised at how big Quinn was!  That he was! :) A lot happens from 5weeks to 11weeks!!! No one is allowed through the glass door to the baggage claim so Tony asked the guy working if I could just hand Quinn to him through the door quick so I could get all the luggage ..baby-free.  That was actually a nice 20 minute break :) I couldn't help by to stare back at Tony holding Quinn the whole time.
An hour drive back home and here we are 4 days later.  Home sweet home.

Edmonton to Calgary flight.  Happy girl!!!!

Sleepy girl :)

Calgary to Tokyo!  She had room to kick, turn, and roll! :)

I turned this monitor on about 10 times during flight.  The time went by fast!  You can see where we are and the direction we went.  

Watching the beverage cart.  The flight attendants loved her :)

Watching a little TV.  This was a perfect "I don't know what to do with you for 20mns" activity.

My luggage in the Tokyo airport.  I was at the ANA counter at this point.

ANA counter still.  Her body time at this point was 3am :( poor girl.

Slight smile in her sleep because in just 30 minutes we were going to see DAD!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

O Canada

Before we headed back for Japan, Quinn and I were able to visit the Hoden house up in Edmonton, Canada!  Mom and Dad came with for the weekend as well, which was so nice to have the help with Ms. Q on the flight.  We all had an early bells flight on Thursday at 5:55am, but brought us into Edmonton at a good time on Thursday! It was SO much fun seeing everyone.  Beth and Ivy picked us up at the airport and man oh man was Ivy excited to see us.  She took off sprinting when we walked through the baggage claim door, right into Grampy's arms :)

Max and Mya were in school Thursday and Friday, of course - but in Edmonton the kids are allowed to be picked up for lunch!  Is that not crazy?? So we all went out for lunch when we came into town, which was so fun.  Our weekend was filled with great dinners from the best hostess around, cards, wine, and parks.  It was one heck of a great weekend.  It was sad to see Grammy and Gramps go...but it always is.  
Quinn and I stayed until Wednesday.  These days flew by.. much faster than I would have liked!  Quinn got some lovin' by her cousins and auntie/uncle :o) and Beth and I had some good productive days around her house.  We were able to go through bins and "goodwill" things. I'm somewhat of a "ahhh, just get rid of it" type gal - so hopefully Beth doesn't regret anything that she got rid of because of me!!!

Ivy's Big League Chew.  Or as she calls it, "CHEW!!!!"
Safe to say she was OBSESSED with this for a few days.  She even slept with it under her pillow.  Guess I know what to give her for Christmas this year, huh ;)

Ivy wanted her and Q to have matching pajamas.  Aren't the cute!!!?

Uncle Chris still has the touch.  Quinn looks mighty comfortable ;)

Mya and Quinn reading before bed.  Mya was mini mom all week.  She always wanted to hold Quinn asking about 15 times a day.  I loved it.  Mya helped me get Quinn dressed, change diapers, hold her, watch her, etc.  Best babysitter around :)  WE MISS YOU MY MY!

Beth making peanut butter bars.  We went to great lengths to NOT wake up Quinn during her nap :)

The 3 amigos. 

Beth told me she never put her kids in gray because of their drool.  Now I see why :)

POOR HODENS.  The garage door was close to Quinn's bedroom where she napped everyday.  Since I have one of the lightest sleepers in the world, she would often wake up if the door slammed.  Beth put this note on the door as a helpful reminder to everyone.  The kids weren't very used to having to be quiet throughout the day - SORRY! :)
Grandma Pat hanging out with the littles

We had such a great time in Canada.  I hope we can visit again before their time is up there.  So many parks to play at for the kids - and shopping galore!  Maybe next time Tony can take the kids to the park and Beth and I can do some damage in the bank accounts :)
Thank you to the Hoden's for a wonderful time in Canada!!!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Luther move-in day

Last night I took a detour on my run and went through Luther's campus.  It was so much fun seeing all the kids (I'm old enough to call them "kids" now??!!!!) moving in.  To see all the cardboard boxes overflowing the recycling bins, kids hugging their parents before they left town, and friends reunited it brought back so many great memories from my time there.  I wouldn't change my life now, but man it would be fun to go back and do it all over again!


Q is 2 months

Miss Quinn is 2 months old today!!  She sure has grown since the last post at 6 weeks.  Amazing all that can happen and change in just 14 days.  I think I'll just list all the things that are happening now instead of going into great detail!

  • She has just recently started to sleep long periods in the afternoon.  Typically it's about 3-4 hours (she'll eat once during that time)
  • She continues to refuse the bottle and pacifier.  I have given up a little at this point and will try again in a couple weeks when we get back to Okinawa
  • Still enjoys the car seat BUT the car has to keep moving.  When I put her in the seat to go somewhere, she is now juuuust about smiling and kicks her little legs around.  I hope she's always this excited to go somewhere!
  • This girl loves to be held.  I'm not ashamed and I'll hold her all she wants (well, most of the time)...  Once she's old enough to "cry it out" during sleep time, I'll be sure tony ties me down so I can't get to her room in .5 seconds like I can and do now.  I have to admit, there are plenty of times she just squirms a little and I am there at her beckon call.  I keep going back to something I read and heard "You can't spoil and baby under 4 months".  deal!
  • Her messy diapers are very, very, very messy. Happens about once every 24-48 hours
  • Getting better at stroller rides.  I hope she loves them in a few months when her dad and I take her out on runs in the jogger
  • Her mornings are the best!  She is quite the talker and gives many warm smiles when she wakes :)
  • No matter what time she goes to sleep, I can usually count on 12 hours until she rolls (not literally) out of bed.  
  • During the night she is eating every 2-4 hours and falls right back to sleep.  I am so lucky.
  • Her "tough 1-2 hours" around dinner is getting better, yet still exists.  The afternoon nap makes a world of difference, of course!
We sure love this little girl!  We can't wait to get home and see daddy-o very soon, too :)