Sunday, December 8, 2013

It's been awhile…

I can't believe it's been 3 weeks since I've last posted.  Time has been going by pretty fast lately!! I will post pictures for this post soon!

To be very honest with the blogging world/readers, we have had somewhat of a tough month.  I think it really hit us (especially over the holidays) that we are truly living in Japan and we'll be here for quite awhile yet.  As there are times I think it will go by fast and things will be great, there are those times where it weighs pretty heavy on me.  I want to be honest of where we're at now so we can look back and remember all these times!

I remember my brother telling me back in the day (I'll actually never forget it..where I was, what I was doing, how I was feeling - even what I was wearing) that "before things get better, they'll probably get worse".   And the reason for the 3 week "pause" for blog writing?  You can probably guess…

So I'm not writing this to ask for any sort of sympathy or attention, but I am writing this because this has truly been an experience of a lifetime and we are just 4 months in.  It's been a roller-coaster of feelings since we have gotten here.  And since I hate roller-coasters, it's time for our life here in Japan to start feeling more like the "Lazy River" ride :)!!!

I have come to realize that not everything comes easy in life.  In the states, there are many things at your fingertips that can make you happy.  In my case, shopping for clothes or groceries was one of "happy" places.  Or having a handful of friends to go out for happy hour and then to meet up with a bunch of people later on was awesome.  I haven't found that here, YET.  And if I don't, It's definitely ok.  There are some really neat places in Yomitan, but it takes work to figure out what is actually inside.  I, of course, can't read anything here.  I can usually tell if it's a restaurant - but that's about it.  So in order to know, you have to simply walk in and figure it out yourself.

I often tell Tony how much LESS we would see of each other if we lived in a place, such as Minneapolis.  I would have more plans on the week nights and weekends, as would he.  What better time of our lives - as newlyweds - to have ALL this time together.  I do often complain of his long hours at work, but the second he is home, I am there. (poor guy ;)  We are blessed.  And we appreciate it.

So all this being said - I had SUCH a great day today.  Tony went golfing with a couple of buddies, which was great for him!  And I went for a coffee date with my good friend, Natalie.  On my way home I decided to venture off on the side roads and came across an awesome Thai place called Sirojuma.  I had some amazing curry soup :) ... and then to fulfill my love for shopping, I found this amazing warehouse with TONS of stuff that is very reasonably priced.  And the greatest thing about this place is that they accept any credit card, Yen, OR Dollar.  You don't get that in Yomitan.  Places rarely take our USAA credit card and accept only Yen.

I think I'm going to enjoy this "Lazy River" ride here in Okinawa :)

"Be brave enough to live creatively. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. You can only get there by hard work, by risking and by not quite knowing what you are doing. What you will discover will be wonderful: Yourself."
Alan Alda 


  1. holy cow that quote....pretty amazing.

  2. Think of you often! All "stages" in life are different... It's just like raising kids, as soon as you figure one stage out, it's over and the next one begins! One thing about you Tara is that you NEVER give up on anything!! Enjoy the absolutely beautiful scenery!! It's 4 degree's here this morning!

  3. Thinking of you during the holidays! Merry Christmas!

  4. You know you're in our thoughts (and conversations) quite frequently! Sent a package your way on Thursday...maybe it'll get there for Christmas...or shortly there after at least. Love you!
