Saturday, February 11, 2017

Quinn update

Where to begin with this girl.  She is full on in full force.  Quinn has been a pretty awesome big sis lately.  She is always concerned about Shae, loves when she wakes up, gives me little pieces of whatever that she finds around the house thinking Shae could choke on it, helps her walk, and is starting to take more interest in playing with her.  So much fun ahead of us.

Quinn loves going to all the parks around our house and thoroughly enjoys playing with kids ALL the time.  She will wake up asking to go to a park, to the gym (the YMCA kid zone), and soon enough she'll be asking to go to the pool right away in the morning, too.  Her favorite show is "Frozen" and Daniel the Tiger.  Still loves noodles and cucumbers and is starting to try new foods more often.  Makes mom happy!  She is all about "fixing" with daddy in the garage.  Tony had her help him rotate my tires and change the oil a couple months ago.  This past weekend she was helping him build something with all his new DeWalt tools... I guarantee she already knows more than I do about all that stuff.  

Some random fun things about Quinn:

  • She thinks her boogers are catepillars
  • Always needs the door open when she goes to bed
  • Takes her "nightybaby" (blanket and baby) everywhere we go
  • When you ask her how much something is, she says "200 days" or "1 money's"
  • Her I love you's are "I love you sooooooo much"
  • Not really great at leaving places she's having fun at (duh)
  • Biking to the park by herself
I'm sure i'll think of a million things later :)

Friday, February 10, 2017

Shae @ 9 Months (& 1 Week)

    Better late than never writing this post!  Shae turned 9 months old last week and she is growing FAST.  I think the last week Tony and I have said "she seems older today"about 10 times.  She is keeping up with her big sis better than ever and has taken 4-6 steps consistently!  Shae loves to be outside, push her polka dot cart, and laugh when others are laughing.  She still has 8 teeth and I don't see any more coming any time soon.  Our night wakings are getting way better, although she is still up twice a night.  Her morning naps have extended to over an hour (most of the time) and afternoons are still a little too short for me :)  Favorite Foods: pear and mango pouches, purple carrot pouches, noodles like Quinn, still likes oatmeal cereal, and bananas! She is in 12-18 month clothes comfortably and wears size 3-4 diapers.  There's not too many things Shae dislikes.  However, she hates the first 10 seconds of getting in her car seat, getting dressed after a bath, and having her nose wiped.  I'm sure there are many other things, but you know how it is when you love someone so much - you forget about the "bad" things!