Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas 2014

This was definitely the best Christmas yet.  Although we always wish we could celebrate with our families back home, it was one we'll never forget here in Okinawa.  Waking up Christmas morning with Quinn was such a joy.  Even though it was at 5am, I decided to be thankful that we got an extra couple of hours to enjoy the day!

Tony worked the morning of Christmas Eve and of course had the next 4 days off.  I never take these consecutive days for granted anymore because I know they don't come all that often!  I even get another round of him home for 4.5 days for New Years!  Christmas Eve we celebrated with the Dare's (my friend, Natalie and her family).  We had our 2nd annual gingerbread house competition which fell short this year as we had two new babies in the house to take care of.  Ella, soon to be 6, was the judge and gave the 2 houses a tie.  I think she was just being nice, but you be the judge.

Gabriel and Ella playing with Quinn.  Quinn had a rash on her head if you're wondering what the gauze pad is all about.

Gabriel enjoyed eating the gingerbread house more than making it.  I think I did, too.

Watching "HOME ALONE" :)

Brown's house

Dare's house

That night we put the little one to bed asap so Tony and I could enjoy a couple of drinks and do some gift opening.  We. Were. Spoiled.  I couldn't believe all the gifts we had from our parents and siblings.  They sure made us feel special and sent the perfect items that fit in flat rate boxes.

Christmas day was a beautiful day.  We had a lazy morning and opened up Quinn's gifts from everyone.   We were able to FaceTime with both families to share in on their Christmas Eve for a bit and watch them open a few gifts.  I've said it a million times, but thank goodness for technology.

Later on in the day we decided to grab the margaritas and snacks and head to the beach.  It was sunny, warm, and very pleasant.  Quinn hasn't been to the beach yet so it was fun to let her play with a few toys on her towel and dip her feet in the water.  She loved it :)  Many more beach days ahead for this girl!

Margaritas in a plastic wine glass.  Why not?

Feeling very blessed to have had such a great Christmas weekend.  We will always cherish these memories, but I am so excited to share the Christmas spirit with everyone back home.  We are planning to go to Tokyo next year at this time with the Dare's, which will be a whole lot of fun.

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas/Hanukkah :)

Monday, December 15, 2014 that's what you meant

Ever since Quinn was born I have thought to myself many times "ooooooh, that's what she meant!" For the past 8 years I have seen and admired my 3 sisters and their parenting skills.  I think I planned it all out just right because now that I am just starting to raise my own, I get to learn from all their "mistakes" or benefit from all of the tricks they have learned along the way.  So back to the "oooooh, that's what she meant".. Here are a few things that have stuck out the most in my mind from Beth, Amanda, & Erin.

1.  It makes my day when she/he has a dirty diaper.  Yup, I get it.  It doesn't happen all that often around this house with Quinn, which hopefully that changes soon - but when it does happen?  I'm a happy mama.

2.  The more sleep they get, the more they will sleep.  Of course, I believed them at the time before I had Quinn, but I didn't really understand it.  I definitely do now.  I've been recording the hours Quinn sleeps and times of night she is up, trying to be the master mind behind this child's sleeping schedule (ha, ya right)...but sure enough, my sisters were right.  The more she sleeps, the more she sleeps.  :)

3.  Your life will be put on hold for awhile.  Ok, this is a major one.  I never thought for 29 years that I would be a mom who would forego the concert, the dinner out, the birthday party, or whatever social event was going on...because I thrive on that action.  However, it is no longer a priority and to be very honest, I don't even feel like I'm missing out.  Maybe it's because I know my time will come again - or maybe it's because I am happy with this "new" life and this little peanut.  It's both.  My time will come...and one of these nights Tony and I will get a babysitter and go out on a date!  I'm sure that'll be a blog in itself.

4.  It's hard leaving the kids.  I understood this one 100% just this past weekend.  Saturday Tony stayed home most of the day with Quinn.  Although I was here for her nap times, that's about it.  I went to play tennis, went out for lunch with some girls, and before dinner I went and got a haircut.  Tony was MORE than happy that I got a day to myself, but I couldn't help but to feel guilty.  Without explaining that guilt, I'm sure you (the reader) can understand.  But boy was that day needed and so fun. ;)

5.  Don't spend too much money on the cute clothes.  I don't get it.  Never will.

6.  Just kidding on #5.  What I have learned is that you think your kid is so darn cute - in ANYTHING she/he wears.  :)

7.  Allow Quinn to be flexible with your schedule.  This one I haven't learned yet.  I'm trying though. Once she is on a schedule (which is why now she "should" be flexible with mine, bc her schedule is so unpredictable) I will be so happy to make more appointments, plans, etc.  But during the whole sleep training... it's tough!  But I think of this advice almost daily - and it's helped a lot.

8.  You can't spoil a baby under 4 months.  I took full advantage of this every single day that I could.  Things have changed a little now in this department, but it's been good for both of us :)

I'm sure there are many more - but I will exit this blog post at #8 and with a picture of these 3 sisters doing what they do best.  Beth & Amanda have 3 kids and Erin will have 3 very soon! (due mid January)

